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Oakwood Primary Academy

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Acting Head of School Update

Christmas preparations are well and truly underway now at Oakwood! Children (and staff!) across the school have been working extremely hard on their various Christmas performances, and I know they are all very excited about sharing them with you over the last two weeks of term.


However, this does not mean that all their hard work across the curriculum has stopped - far from it! As ever, I have been in some great lessons this week and been shown a range of fantastic work from our pupils. 


In a Year 5 Geography lesson on Monday I was incredibly impressed with the geographical language being used and understood by the children. They were also making great links to their previous History unit on World War II as they studied and compared the geography of Germany and the UK and how this affected the War. In Reception class, the children were learning about the number 5 as they played a game together. The children were also learning valuable lessons about turn-taking, sharing, winning and losing and much more. As they played this game with their teacher, other children were playing and working beautifully together at different stations around the room, so they are obviously learning these valuable lessons!


Our Year 6 pupils are working really hard and they are now well underway with their SATS revision homework books. We also have support groups running each week. They have still found the time to continue their DT Food Technology project. Having tasted ingredients last week, they carried out surveys this week ready to put the final touches to their recipes. Get ready for a tasty treat coming home next week!


We would still love to see more reading across the school, particularly in the Juniors, so please do send in your child's reading record for their teacher to look at and sign, and encourage your child to bring a reading book home on a daily basis. By doing so, it means the children can take their Accelerated Reader quizzes back in school. and aim towards becoming one of our celebrated 'Word Millionaires!'


I have also been showing prospective parents round this week for our Reception classes for September 2025. I have felt really proud of everyone when doing so, as  the parents have commented on the excellent behaviour and learning they have seen in classes and around the school - so a huge well done to everyone!


I hope you all have a fantastic weekend and I look forward to seeing everyone on Monday for the start of our last two weeks before we break up for Christmas! I also look forward to welcoming many of you into school next week for some of our Christmas performances.


Best Wishes


Mr Sharp

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