Acting Head of School Update
We have had a brilliant final week of term at Oakwood. Despite feeling very tired after a long term, the children have maintained a high standard of work and behaviour throughout the week.
As ever, we began the week with our celebration assembly and our amazing 'stars of term 1' were chosen and sat proudly at the front of the assembly. They will soon receive trophies to keep in their classroom for term 2.
We also had the amazing sight of seeing a whole group of Year 5 evacuees in full costume on Monday as part of the Year 5 World War 2 enrichment day! The children looked amazing, so many thanks to everyone who supported the children with their brilliant outfits!
On Wednesday, the Aurora Academies Trust lead for Maths , Hannah Morgan, visited us. She accompanied me on a learning walk around all classes and she was hugely impressed with the levels of engagement she witnessed across the school. Everyone was working so hard and fantastic Maths was being done from Reception through to Year 6 . Well done everyone!
It was also lovely this week to see so many families in school for the Autumn consultation evenings. We coupled these with curriculum displays in both the Foundation Village and in the Junior Hall. Many people took the opportunity to share in the work their children had done in term 1 as well as trying out our year group specific 'have a go' activities. We also had the book fair and a used uniform sale as well. They were two very positive evenings, which we will aim to replicate later in the year with a new display of work!
After such an exciting and busy term, all that is left is for me to thank you all for your amazing support and wish you all a wonderful half term
Mr Sharp