Headteacher's Update: 17th January, 2025
Week two has been a productive week for all of our staff & pupils. Mr Sharp kicked off the week with our first celebration assembly of the year and had the pleasure of celebrating excellent pupil attendance - with our year 4 class achieving a full 100%! We also celebrated our class ‘star of the week’ award winners and these were awarded to pupils who had been demonstrating our school value of 'knowledge'.
On Thursday, I had the privilege of teaching our year one class and I was simply blown away by their Rekenrek use and understanding of the commutativity of addition. 3 + 4 = 7 and 4 + 3 = 7 – who knew!
Many pupils continue to be proactive in coming to share excellent work outcomes with me and I’ve seen a range of computing, writing, maths and music this week, which always makes my day. I know that all of our pupils continue to work hard to achieve our vision of ‘being better every day’.
Coming up next week, I’m excited to announce the launch of our school council, alongside Ms Seath, and we’ll be sharing more on this with the children in Monday’s assembly. In the meantime, I hope you enjoy reading more about what each year group has been working on and wish you all a restful weekend.
Mrs Morgan