Foodbank Services
As you may be aware, Eastbourne Foodbank has several collection points across Eastbourne where food is distributed to those families who may need some additional support. As a school, we try to support our local community and as with previous years we have held collections for the Foodbank.
I have had a meeting with one of the Foodbank representatives and was really excited to hear about some of the other services the Foodbank provides and wanted to share this with you, please see the leaflets below.
The Foodbank provides ‘best start’ bundles to new mums which include Moses basket, baby clothes and food, as well as nappies and other useful items for mums. They also provide free confidential benefits advice as well as support with debt management and advocacy services where legal advice may be needed. These appointments are free, non-judgmental and are also very popular I’m told. If you would like to access this advice, appointments need to be made first by calling (01323 409925 or emailing
Please remember that as a school we are able to give Foodbank vouchers to any family who may need some additional support during a difficult time. On our website we have now set up a Foodbank icon which can be pressed for details of your name to be given, which will then be automatically sent to me. I can then arrange for a voucher to be left in an envelope for you at the office. Please if you do need some support, take advantage of this.
If anyone would like any additional information please do not hesitate to contact me.
Kind regards
Mrs Wood
Engagement Lead