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Oakwood Primary Academy

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Acting Head of School Update

Well, the sun has finally come out for us to end a really positive week at Oakwood. We have had a number of visitors into the school for various reasons during the week, and all have been very impressed with the engagement and great learning behaviours shown by the children.


As always, I have had the pleasure of children bringing me their outstanding work to show. I was especially impressed with some of the writing from Year 2 pupils, and heard some fantastic 'Destination Reader' discussions from out Upper Junior children. I also went into a very dark year 6 classroom to find all the children hard at work on their science electricity lesson. Bulbs were going on and off all over the room as the children completed their circuits!


Playtimes and lunchtimes continue to run smoothly and, with much excitement, the bus is now in use every lunchtime for children up to and including Year 3. Each class gets a turn during the week - and we even opened up the driver's seat for the first time this week. You will be pleased to learn that the children were very careful drivers - despite all the buttons and levers being pressed simultaneously!


Please remember our key dates that are coming up over the last two weeks of term - including our free racism webinar for parents and the KS2 'live' assembly for Black History Month on the same day.


Let's hope the sun stays out for a couple more days and that you all enjoy your weekend.


With my best wishes


Mr Sharp

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