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Deputy Headteacher Update - Friday 13th January 2023

Welcome to this week’s update.


It has been our first full week back since the holidays and the pupils have been learning some amazing things. This week started with children learning about World Religion Day and how on Sunday 15th January there will be celebration across the world focusing on unity and respect for everyone and their different beliefs.


There has been a Roman invasion in school this week! Our Year 3 children acted out being Roman soldiers invading Britain. Congratulations to Turing Class for defecting Ashe Class in battle.


Year 5 have started some amazing portal stories that they have been very keen to share with me; I am looking forward to reading their final published stories!


This term in P.E. children are learning dance. So far and all the children have been showing off their moves. From The Lion King to The Greatest Showman, children are choreographing a dance with different elements to create a final piece later this term.


See our photographs in the slideshow to see our learning from this week!


Well done to all of our certificate winners. This week's 'Stars of the Week' are:




School Value



Year R Stephenson

Thiago B.


For his 'Marvellous Me' homework and telling us about his family

Year 1 Nightingale


Ivan O.


For settling into school really well and is trying to do his best in all areas of the curriculum.

Year 2 Brunel

Kachi O.


For good focus and attitude towards learning new things.

Year 3 Ashe


Ashton-Jay J.


For his kindness and understanding in helping other children to feel happy and safe at school.

Year 3 Turing


Marley V.


For excellent understanding similes.

Year 4 Logie-Baird


Reggie H.


For wanting to impress adults with his attitude and learning.

Year 4 Thunberg


Leighton R.


For improved resilience in his learning.

Year 5 Hamilton


Emily W.


For always being kind, considerate and hard working! You are an absolute superstar!

Year 5 Pankhurst

Max P.


For showing great determination in all of his learning and showing superb knowledge in both his maths and history.

Year 6 Amundsen


Amelia D.


For an outstanding approach to learning in all subjects this week and for being far more determined to participate.


Year 6 Parks


Mellyne O.


For settling into class effortlessly and giving her best effort every day.














Next week, there will be a focus on the Chinese New Year, which is on Sunday 22nd January. Children will learn about this festival and the traditional events that happen at this time of the year. Our Arts and Crafts after-school club has already started to look at this and have produced some lovely Chinese lanterns this week.



Please see this week's Bulletin, with further information and key dates.


Have a great weekend!


Mr Paramor

Deputy Headteacher

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