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Deputy Headteacher Update - Friday 15th October 2021

Welcome to our weekly update!


It has been a fantastic week of learning across the whole school. Well done to everyone who has shown off their school values of: Knowledge, Equality, Determination and Achievement.


It was a pleasure today to see some of the fantastic home learning projects that the pupils have been completing over the last few weeks. I really enjoyed seeing the many Egyptian Pharaohs and Gods walking in to school this week with their home made Egyptian masks. There has been amazing learning throughout the school all week, so please take time to look at few of the lovely pictures from across the school below.


Last week, Mr Laker shared in his update that we held our Student Leader elections. I am proud to announce that due to the very high quality of the children’s presentations, we have elected 25 Student Leaders. Therefore, we have decided to split them in to two groups. The first group will take up their post from now until the end of Term three, followed by the second group of Student Leaders from Term four until the end of the year. Well done Year 6 I am confident you will do yourselves proud.


Today, we practiced our fire drill procedures and all of the children were fantastic. They sensibly and calmly left the building in a very good time. Great job everyone!


In this week’s Bulletin, we have shared our poster for our forthcoming Open Morning and Open Evening in November. If you know anyone who has a child starting school in September 2022, we’d be grateful if you could let them know about the dates of our visits to school.


In our Celebration Assembly we announced our latest certificate winners. This week's 'Stars of the Week' are:


Year R Stephenson Class - Logan W for Equality - For being super polite and helpful to students and adults and for being so helpful.


Year 1 Nightingale Class – Rayan H for Knowledge - For giving thoughtful answers to questions in all areas of learning.


Year 2 Brunel Class - Ivy-May T for Determination - For great resilience in everything she does.


Year 2 Seacole Class - Matilda S for Achievement - For always being polite, kind and showing excellent behaviour for learning.


Year 3 Ashe Class - Isla C for Determination - For working hard and persevering when things become more difficult.


Year 3 Turing Class - Annie-Rose E for Determination - For always being determined to do her best in every activity.


Year 4 Logie-Baird Class - Ryan H for Equality - For always looking to be a fantastic talk partner when working with other children.


Year 4 Thunberg Class - Maisie O for Achievement - For creating an outstanding model of a Mayan temple for homework and trying her best all week.


Year 5 Hamilton Class - Oakley R for Achievement - For being enthusiastic and participating in every lesson.


Year 5 Pankhurst Class - Tarhyn W for Determination - For his amazing determination to improve in all areas of school life this week.


Year 6 Amundsen Class - Benny R for Determination - For drive and commitment to achieve his best in every lesson. Determination perfection!


Year 6 Parks Class - Sabrina S for Determination - For amazing determination to achieve in every lesson.


‘Congratulations’ to all of this week’s winners!


Next week is our final week before the half term break. Next week, each class will be hosting a curriculum event where you will have the opportunity to come into school to see and explore some of the interesting and brilliant learning the children have been doing this term. Please see our Bulletin for more information, including dates and times, for these events.


We look forward to seeing you next week! Have a great weekend.


Mr Paramor

Deputy Headteacher

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