Head of School Update - Friday 10th September 2021
Welcome to the first Head of School Update of the new school year!
It has been truly brilliant to have welcomed the children back to Oakwood this week. Despite some early nerves, the children settled into their new classes and routines incredibly well. I have been so proud of all of the children - polite, courteous, hard-working. There has been a really positive 'buzz' around the school this week and it has been a pleasure to have been able to get into all of the classrooms, throughout the week, and share the children's learning with them.
We've had some new children and staff this week! Well done to our new Reception pupils in Stephenson Class who have started their first few days at school this week. They have enjoyed getting to meet new friends and their teachers, and to explore their learning environment.
I'm sure you will join me in welcoming our new staff to the team - Mr Gillham, Miss Saunders, Mrs Taylor and Miss O'Neill-Madeley to Oakwood. We also have some new faces in the school offices. I'm sure you will see Miss Hollington in the School Office and Mrs Funnell, who is the school's new Attendance Officer and Inclusion Administrator.
Thank you for your support with our start of day drop-off and end of day pick-up routines. These are certainly different from last year and we appreciate your co-operation in helping these to work. Staff have really enjoyed being able to talk to parents when they collect their child, and this certainly makes a difference.
Today, we held a very special assembly. This was the first assembly held in school since the first day I arrived - 543 days ago! It was lovely to share and celebrate our successes and give out our first sets of certificates, with all of the children and staff together, and to talk about our school values. I hope your child will have enjoyed the assembly today.
We awarded certificates to our first set of 'Stars of the Week'. This week's winners are:
Caleb A. - Year 1 Nightingale Class, for a fantastic first week.
Blake G. - Year 2 Brunel Class, for determination and perseverance.
Kallais S. - Year 2 Seacole Class, for making a fantastic start to Year 2.
Kate W. - Year 3 Ashe Class, for making a fantastic start to Year 3.
Rubi R. - Year 3 Turing Class, for showing determination and trying her best in class this week.
Harryson T. - Year 4 Logie-Baird Class, for showing great determination and a super start to Year 4.
Joey F. - Year 4 Thunberg Class, for contributing to class discussions.
Freddy-Joe K. - Year 5 Hamilton Class, for a determination to work hard and be positive.
Millie M. - Year 5 Pankhurst Class, for always being kind and demonstrating equality.
Brooke-Nicole A. - Year 6 Amundsen Class, for a fantastic start to Year 6.
Lexi H. - Year 6 Parks Class, for a fantastic start to Year 6.
Well done to all of this week's winners!
Please check out this week's school Bulletin for further information about school and we will post some photographs on our Facebook page.
I am incredibly proud of the whole school - a brilliant start to a new school year! I hope you all have a lovely weekend and I look forward to seeing everyone on Monday.
With my best wishes,
Mr Laker
Head of School