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Head of School Update - Friday 12th March 2021

Welcome to this week's 'Weekly Update'!


Firstly, it has been so lovely to welcome all of our pupils back to school to resume their face-to-face teaching. A very warm welcome to all of the children who have joined us for the first time this week! It was amazing to see all of the children on Monday morning, bouncing through the school gates, excited to reunite with their friends and be back in their classrooms. I have been impressed with the incredibly positive attitudes of the children, their determination and tenacity, this week. They have been focused and hard-working and proud to be demonstrating their knowledge. It's been lovely to see. 


Across this week, teachers have spent time revisiting our four values, talking about 'knowledge', 'equality', 'determination' and 'achievement', and why these values are so important to us all. The children have certainly demonstrated their understanding of the values this week. The children have also been remembering our two school rules - to 'Always try your best' and 'Treat others as you wish to be treated yourself', as we re-establish those school routines and the high-expectations we demand for all of our children. Children have been enjoying this week's Art projects, on the theme of 'Moods', finding out about their new topics and producing lots of work in their books.


In this week's Celebration Assembly, we awarded our first set of 'Writing Stars', 'Maths Stars' and 'Stars of the Week'. Well done to all of those children who were awarded a certificate this week. The list of this week's winners can be found on the school website, accessed by following the link below...


Thank you to all of those parents who have supported us in wearing face-coverings on the school grounds - this is very much appreciated. We politely remind all of our parents and visitors to wear a face-covering, if they are able to, whilst on the school grounds or if visiting the School Office.


Finally, I wanted to reassure all of our parents and carers about uniform, following some conversations that I have had this week. One thing I have noticed is how much the children have grown - so if a jumper doesn't fit, feet have grown and school shoes are a bit tight, please don't worry and do what you can to send your child to school with as much of the correct uniform as you can.


Please check out this week's Bulletin for further information, including an update on our Oakwood to Tokyo Challenge. Please take a look at the photographs at the bottom of this update, showing children in Reception on their return to school.


Have a good weekend!


Best wishes,


Mr Laker
Head of School

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