Head of School Update - Friday 14th May 2021
Welcome to this week's Weekly Update!
At Oakwood this week, we've been joining the nation in raising awareness of mental health. This year's theme is 'Connecting With Nature'. During the week, children have been enjoying the outside environments, taking time to reflect, read or listen to nature. We've also been connecting with nature inside too, growing vegetables and creating observational drawings of plants and flowers. In Year 1, pupils have been looking up at the sky at the shapes of the clouds, creating playground art, and having their reading lessons outside, too.
We've all been working really hard on our writing this week. Pupils across Key Stage 1 have been practising their 'sentence holding' and presentation in books is looking great. During one of my learning walks, six classes in Key Stage 2 were all writing at the same time and I was incredibly impressed with pupils' focus and concentration, so much so that I had to come back with the camera to capture the fantastic writing. Some photos are below.
In today's assembly we celebrated our Maths, Writers and Weekly Stars. Here are this week's 'Stars of the Week'...
Well done to...
YRS - Ava-Rose W. - For fantastic concentration and improving her writing and phonics (Determination)
Y1C - Caiden C. - For being respectful and sensible (Equality)
Y1H - Oscar G. - For always treating others as her wishes to be treated himself (Equality)
Y2B - Seyanna W. - For brilliant determination in phonics (Determination)
Y2F - Adam P. - For fabulous respect to both adults and children (Equality)
Y3A - Tililah T. - For showing hard work in all areas of the curriculum (Achievement)
Y3R - Matthew M. - For achieving writing targets, writing by the margin, joining letters and finger spacing (Achievement)
Y4L - Tianna Mai C. - For showing determination to improve the amount she is writing (Determination)
Y4T - Leo B. - For showing great determination across all of his work (Determination)
Y5K - Kyle T. - For always being ready and demonstrating equality (Equality)
Y5P - Maisie M. - For always being ready and demonstrating equality (Equality)
Y6A - Lillia M-T. - For trying really hard to contribute more in class and improve partner talk (Equality)
Y6P - Hudson C. - For consistently contributing during class discussions (Determination)
We're excited about the plans for our new library! Work on new carpet, fixtures and fittings will start during the half-term break and we're really hopeful that this will be completed by the time children come back to school at the start of Term 6. At the bottom of the update is a photo of the proposed library plans.
Hopefully, you will have seen a copy of the letter inviting you to this term's Parents' Evening during the last week of term. This is an important opportunity for you to talk with your child's class teacher about their progress and their learning, and I am delighted that we are being able to hold these as face-to-face meetings in school. We have put in a number of control measures to help keep you and our staff safe. This is necessary to make Parents' Evening run smoothly and we are appreciative of your co-operation, here. We are really looking forward to welcoming you in to school across the four days. Meetings start from Monday 24th May.
Please check out this week's Bulletin for further information.
I hope you have a great weekend!
Mr Laker
Head of School