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Head of School Update - Friday 24th September 2021

Welcome to this week's Weekly Update!


This week, we celebrated the fantastic dedication and commitment that our teaching assistants provide to all of our pupils - it's been National Teaching Assistant Day. We're proud of all of our teaching assistants and acknowledged this in today's assembly where they were all 'Stars of the Week'. 


Our pupils have been working extremely hard and continue to impress. In this week's photos, we have pupils in Year 1 and 2, who have been working hard on their speed-sounds. Pupils in Year 3 have been enjoying their class novels in Reading, whilst in Year 4, pupils have been learning about the habitats we have in our school grounds. 


In our Celebration Assembly we announced our latest certifcate winners. This week's 'Stars of the Week' are:


YR Stephenson - Ophelia S. for Achievement - For fantastic listening and behaviour.


Y1 Nightingale - Cadie D. for Determination - For her determination reading, writing and maths this week.


Y2 Brunel - Kirsty M. for Equality - For showing respect to everyone around school.


Y2 Seacole - Sofia L-R. for Equality - For always being so kind, caring and helpful to others.


Y3 Ashe - Elsie-May S. for Achievement - For consistently good work across the curriculum.


Y3 Turing - Joshua R. for Determination - For always being determined to do his best.


Y4 Logie-Baird - Kaila B. for Determination - For a fantastic attitude towards her learning, including additional learning at home!


Y4 Thunberg - Ollie H. for Equality - For 100% effort and for treating everyone with courtesy and respect.


Y5 Hamilton - Sophia J. for Determination - For always working hard and being determined to do her best.


Y5 Pankhurst - Aiden R-S. for Determination - For his excellent effort in all subjects and his determination to achieve to the best of his ability. 


Y6 Amundsen - Ashleigh A. for Determination - For showing the determination to achieve her best in every lesson. 


Y6 Parks - Kamdi O. for Achievement - For fantastic achievement all week.


'Congratulations' to all of this week's winners!


We have lots of things to look forward to next week. These include our Harvest Festival Community Project, with the Eastbourne Foodbank; our Phonics Workshop for Parents on Thursday 30th September; and our Meet and Greet afternoon on Monday 27th September. 


Our updated Bulletin has further details about all of the things taking place in school, including an update on our Attendance Challenge.


I hope you all have a great weekend.


Mr Laker
Head of School

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