Head of School Update - Friday 26th February 2021
Welcome to this week's 'Weekly Update', the first of Term 4!
We're looking forward to welcoming all of the pupils back to school on Monday 8th March 2021. I've today written to you with our re-opening plans, following the Government's announcement and the letter from our CEO, Tim McCarthy.
It's been lovely to see some of the 'Spring' sunshine, and make the most of it, whilst it lasts. Our pupils, at home and in school, have been working hard on all of their learning activities this week. In Reception, pupils have loved working on their subtracting and colouring learning. As part of their learning journey, 'Who lives in a rock pool?', pupils have been collecting different things from the beach and a seaside-cafe has been opened in school, where everything costs just 10p! In Year 3, pupils have been creating Roman mosaics. Like many classes this week, they've visited the school pond, where we have more than 40 frogs - this has been very exciting! Pupils in Year 4 have enjoyed learning about Sound, and completed a sound-survey throughout the school, whilst pupils in Year 6 have enjoyed sketching and writing suspense stories. Well done to all of our pupils. We've included some photographs at the bottom of this update.
On Thursday 4th March, we are looking forward to celebrating this year's 'World Book Day', and we're asking all of our pupils to join in, whether they're learning at home or in school. Please see today's letter from Miss Elms which gives more details about this, including a Masked Reader and potato decorating activity. The staff will be taking part in the day and the activities too - we're looking forward to the day.
Welcome to Mrs Hubbard who has joined the school as our new Business Manager this week. She's really enjoyed her first few days, particularly getting to know the pupils and staff.
Don't forget to join in with our 'Oakwood to Tokyo' Challenge. We're setting ourselves the task of completing the 8,000 mile journey to Tokyo, so if you're out walking, cycling, or on scooters, send in your pictures, and details of your journeys, so we can add up the miles.
Please check out this week's Bulletin for further information.
Enjoy the weekend!
Mr Laker
Head of School