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Head of School Update - Friday 26th March 2021

Welcome to this week's Weekly Update!


It's been lovely to see the pupils focused and concentrating, particularly on their writing this week. During my visits to classrooms, pupils have been working hard on their presentation and the fluency of their writing. In our featured images this week, pupils in Reception have been making some incredible art pictures using shells, as part of this term's learning journey, 'Who lives in a rockpool?' Thank you to all of the pupils who have so far brought in a home-learning project. These can be brought in right up until the end of term, next Wednesday.  


Well done to all of our award winners this week, who received their certificates in today's 'virtual' Celebration Assembly. This week's 'Stars of the Week' are:


Jude S. in Reception, for excellent topic talk and questioning.

Matilda S. in Y1 Curie, for always trying her best and never giving up.

Harry G. in Y1 Hillary, for always wanting to challenge himself.

Jayson O. in Y2 Brunel, for showing great determination.

Leighton R. in Y2 Farah, for joining in and showing great concentration.

Maisie O. in Y3 Ashe, for trying her best with her presentation.

Sophie J. in Y3 Roddick, for trying her best in all subjects.

Jack S. in Y4 Logie-Baird, for working calmly in class and trying his best.

Leo B. in Y4 Thunberg, for trying hard every day.

Joao G. in Y5 Kipchoge, for making an improvement across all area of the curriculum.

Amelia G. in Y5 Pankhurst, for demonstrating determination in all that she does.

Oscar M-C. in Y6 Parks, for working hard all week.

Enya H. in Y6 Amundsen, for always having an excellent attitude to her work and behaviour. 


Congratulations to the eight pupils in Year 4 who were awarded their 'Pen License' - a great achievement for consistently demonstrating pride and excellent presentation across a range of their work. Hopefully, some more children will gain their licenses too.


In the Attendance Challenge for Term 4, Y1 Curie Class picked up the 10 points in Key Stage 1, with 100%. In Key Stage 2, the 10 points went to Y6 Parks class, with an impressive 99%. This means that in Key Stage 1, Y1 Hillary Class lead the way after 2 weeks, with a maximum of 20 points. In the Key Stage 2 Challenge, Y5 Kipchoge Class hold a slender 2 point lead at the top. They have 18 points with Y6 Parks Class in second place with 16 points.


Just a reminder that next Wednesday (31st March) is the last day of Term 4, due to the INSET Day on Thursday 1st April. 


Have a good weekend!

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