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Head of School Update - Friday 2nd July 2021

Welcome to this week's Weekly Update...


This week, we were visited by Ofsted on Tuesday and Wednesday, as they conducted our Section 8 monitoring visit. The inspection was led by HMI Shazia Akram, and a total of five inspectors visited across the 2 days. The inspection team will write a report, in the form of a letter, and we will share this with you when it arrives. Can I take this opportunity to thank you for your support across this week, for speaking to inspectors and completing the online surveys!


Amongst the busyness of an Ofsted visit, there have been some incredible learning experiences and opportunities this week. Children in Year 1 and 2 enjoyed a fantastic Victorian School Day, comparing the similarities and differences between lessons in school today and those in the 19th Century. All of the children looked very authentic in their costumes and outfits. Thank you for your support with this.


Our pupils in Year 6 have not long returned from a fantastic day at Knockhatch. They have had the best of this week's weather and enjoyed a fun-filled day of activities. We will share some photographs and a report next week. We've also shared some photographs of our children in Reception making a map for 'The Naughty Red Bus', and the places it visited.


In our Celebration Assembly today, we once again shared our awards for Mathematicians and Writers of the Week, as well as our 'Stars of the Week'. This week they are:


YRS - Autumn L. - This is awarded for 'Achievement', for fantastic sentence writing and forming her cursive letters.


Y1C - Sofia L-R. - This is awarded for 'Achievement', for brilliant progress in working with numbers up to 100.


Y1H - Emily B. - This is awarded for 'Determination', for always trying her best and being a brilliant Victorian.


Y2B - Thorin D. - This is awarded for 'Achievement', for always interacting politely and positively with adults.


Y2F - Chloe F. - This is awarded for 'Achievement', for really engaging with the Victorian Day and explaining the similarities and differences between school life then and now.


Y3A - Ivana B. - This is awarded for 'Achievement', for excellent presentation in all her work.


Y3R - Ben T. - This is awarded for 'Determination', for having a great week and trying his best on his STAR assessments.


Y4LB - Leah J. - This is awarded for 'Equality', for always showing great care towards her classmates.


Y4T - Milly M. - This is awarded for 'Equality', for always being keen to help her teachers and friends.


Y5K - Tia S. - This is awarded for 'Knowledge' and 'Determination', for her knowledge in Maths and determination in English.


Y5P - Maisie Mc. - This is awarded for 'Equality', for her continuous effort and kindness in all areas of school life.


Y6A - Grace S. - This is awarded for 'Equality', for demonstrating equality through respect and tolerance of others.


Y6P - Mia P. - This is awarded for 'Equality', for demonstrating equality through respect and tolerance of others.


Well done to all of this week's winners!


Please see this week's Bulletin for further details. I'd like to take this opportunity to wish you a great weekend!


Mr Laker
Head of School


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