Head of School Update - Friday 3rd December 2021
Welcome to this week’s Weekly Update!
I’ve seen some fantastic learning from children this week; I always enjoy being able to share in their achievements and the pride they have in producing their work and overcoming obstacles.
In Reception, the children have been looking at the painting 'Starry Night' by the artist Vincent Van Gogh's, for the day and night part of our topic. The children then painted their own version.
In Year 2 this week, I saw some incredible writing with vocabulary such as ‘confident’, ‘fluently’ and ‘unstoppable’ being used and spelled correctly. In Year 6, children have been learning about climates and biomes as part of this term’s Geography unit, comparing Scotland and Greece, and completing additional learning at home. I’ve enjoyed sharing some finished and published pieces of work, too. Some of the homework projects I have seen have been brilliant!
In Year 4, children have been using a new and advanced piece of technology to help them with their map skills. ‘Digi-maps’ have helped develop children’s knowledge of maps and how to use atlases and grid-references. In Year 5, pupils have been learning about levers to help design the most effective catapult – from the smiles on faces, this was a learning activity they really enjoyed.
Well done to all of our children in Year 2 who have had their Phonics Screening Checker this week – every child gave their best! We've added some photographs to this update. They will be available on our Facebook page, too.
Well done to all of this week’s certificate winners. Our ‘Stars of the Week’ are:
YR Stephenson Class – Megan P. for Achievement – For her super talking about day and night time.
Y1 Nightingale Class – Leia S. for Achievement – For creating an amazing model as part of her Geography homework.
Y2 Brunel Class – Ernis H. for Equality – For being polite and showing excellent manners.
Y2 Seacole Class – Marley S. for Equality – For always being so kind and thoughtful towards everyone.
Y3 Ashe Class – Isla C. for Determination – For being an enthusiastic reader, practicing regularly and showing a determination to improve.
Y3 Turing Class – Rubi R. for Achievement – For always being enthusiastic and participating in all lessons.
Y4 Logie-Baird Class – Shai A. for Achievement – For showing respect and manners to everyone.
Y4 Thunberg Class – Alex A. for Achievement – For improvement in his writing and Maths presentation and excellent behaviour.
Y5 Hamilton Class – Aswin L. for Determination and Achievement – For always working incredibly hard and having a fantastic attitude to everything he does.
Y5 Pankhurst Class – Tyler R. for Achievement – For using his Destination Reader learning behaviours across all subjects.
Y6 Amundsen Class – Willow C. for Achievement – For showing improvement in her behaviour for learning and achievement across the week.
Y6 Parks Class – Emilia S. for Determination – For always being determined and achieving the best she can.
Well done to all of this week’s certificate winners!
This afternoon, you will have received an update letter about this year’s Christmas Performance arrangements for your child. We’ve worked hard to come up with an arrangement that will allow you to share the excitement and joy of the performances, whilst not with us in school, and I am delighted that a local videographer has agreed to help us produce virtual performances that you can watch from home.
Please check-out this week’s Bulletin with further information, including an update on our Attendance Challenge.
Have a great weekend!
Ryan Laker
Head of School