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Head of School Update - Friday 7th May 2021

Welcome to this week's Weekly Update!


We might have only had a four-day week, but we've still managed to fit so much in. As always, I'm very proud of all the pupils and their dedication to their learning.


Pupils in Year 1 have been trying their very best with their sentences this week. I'm always delighted to see the work that the children show me but more delighted with the pride that they have for themselves. Sentences were beautifully written, with fantastic finger-spaces and super spelling. Well done to all of the writers in Year 1 this week.


In Reception, our children have been closely watching the vegetables that have been growing in their classrooms. As part of their topic, the children have been asking the question, 'Are carrots orange?' The children have shown such great curiosity, watching as the shoots develop into long leaves and large plants. They are excited about a 'harvest' of all the things they have grown. But what will the answer to their question be...


Well done to all of our Stars of the Week. This week's winners are:


Reception - Leku G.

Year 1 - Daisy C. and Alycia T.

Year 2 - Billy M. and Adam P.

Year 3 - Miley W. and Harvey M.

Year 4 - Kirk C. and Tarhyn W.

Year 5 - Ellie-Mae J. and Jake P.

Year 6 - Lillia M-T. and Harry S-J.


I hope you all have a fantastic weekend. I look forward to welcoming all of the pupils back to school on Monday!


With my very best wishes.


Mr Laker
Head of School

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