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Headteacher Update - Friday 10th March 2023

Welcome to this week's Weekly Update...


Despite the terrible weather, we've had a great week at Oakwood.


Our pupils in Year 1 have been using their multiplication skills to solve money problems, and write their number sentences. Brilliant work! I have seen some excellent Design and Technology designs by pupils in Year 5, talking about the features of their mechanisms. They are making toys with moveable parts for pupils in Year 1. I will look forward to seeing their final products.


'Thank you' to all of the children who have shared their Home Learning Projects with me. I have seen some compost bin dioramas and models of the Earth, to name a few. Children are definitely inspired by their learning journeys, and it is great to know that children are exploring this further at home!


'Well done' to our brilliant choir who performed some songs at school pick-up on Tuesday afternoon. We're proud of our musical talents and I hope you were able to enjoy a few moments enjoying their songs. We have a short clip on our Facebook page. 


'Thank you' to all of the children who submitted a Short Story for this year's competition. We have had some late entries, so we will announce our winners next week.


Next week we are looking forward to celebrating 'Fair Trade Week' in school. We will share some photographs with you as part of next week's Bulletin!


Due to our INSET Day last week, we weren't able to celebrate our Stars, so it was great to have our Celebration Assembly today. This week's Stars of the Week are...


Oakley C. in the Nursery.

Ciaran D. in Reception.

Holly B. in Year 1.

Louis T. in Year 2.

Ashton-Jay J. and Kallais S. in Year 3.

Chloe F. and Elsie-May S in Year 4.

Matthew M. and Sammy-Jo B. in Year 5.

Aswin L. and Leo B. in Year 6.


Well done to all of this week's winners. In our 100% Attendance Raffle, there were 258 children in this week's draw. The number drawn at random was 111. Well done to Taylor in Year 6 this week!


You will be aware that the ongoing disputes between the NEU union and the Government continue. This means that the planned industrial action dates, scheduled for next week, look set to go ahead. As a consequence, the school will be closed on Wednesday 15th and Thursday 16th March 2023. The Nursery will be open on these days. I recognise the disruption that this has caused our families over the past month and apologise for the inconvenience. I, like you, hope that a resolution can be sought soon!


I'd also like to make you aware that our Spring Progress Evenings will be taking place on Tuesday 21st and Thursday 23rd March 2023. A letter with details about how to book will be sent next week.


As always, please check out this week's Bulletin, with lots more information about life at Oakwood and some dates for the diary. Here's hoping some warmer Spring weather is just around the corner.


Have a great weekend! I will look forward to seeing all of the pupils on Monday!


With my very best wishes,


Ryan Laker




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