Headteacher Update - Friday 10th November 2023
Welcome to this week's Weekly Update! I hope your child is enjoying a day away from school this week.
Despite the shorter school week, we have still been incredibly busy. All of the staff have been engaged with training in school today, looking at planning and resources for Maths, as well as some time to look at teaching and learning across our subjects.
'Thank you' to all of the children who have shown me their brilliant home-learning projects. I am always impressed with the huge effort that goes in to these, and the time that children and families spend together doing them.
This week, our 'Forest School' sessions have got underway. We certainly chose a great week, weather-wise, to get started, but the children in Year 4 have come prepared with wellies, waterproofs and puddle-suits. They enjoyed some sessions in our brilliant woodlands and had a class on Dennis the Bus, too. The children have loved it, moving tree-stumps and wheelbarrows full of leaves...and some puddle-jumping of course! A huge 'Thank you' to Mrs. Taylor and Mrs. Mathews who have led the sessions this week.
It has been lovely to see so many of you at our Autumn Parents' Evening this week. I really hope you have found the opportunity to meet with your child's class teacher useful and informative. I know that teachers have really enjoyed meeting you and talking about your child's start at school in these first few weeks. If you haven't been able to make an appointment this week, please call the School Office so that a time can be arranged to meet with your child's teacher.
We haven't had our Celebration Assembly today, but not to worry, our 'Stars of the Week' will be announced in our assembly on Monday, and we will share the list of winners with you then.
Please see this week's Bulletin, where we have shared our Christmas Performance dates. We will write to you in the coming weeks with further details, but I hope having the dates now will be helpful in planning for a busy festive period.
Have a great weekend!
Ryan Laker