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Headteacher Update - Friday 14th July 2023

Welcome to this week's Weekly Update, and the last of this school year! It's been an incredibly busy week...school trips...local walks...swimming lessons and talent shows.


This year's Talent Show took place on Tuesday. Hosted by Miss Saunders, there was an unexpected Guest Judge on the panel, and some incredible acts performing. As in previous years, each class voted an act through to the whole-school performance. We saw some incredible talent, including fabulous dancing, unbelievable magic and a couple of hilarious comedy acts, as well as some gymnastics, parodies, virtual videos and singing. I was truly impressed with the fantastic talent of our pupils.


It was a difficult decision but 'Congratulations' to Elishama in Year 6, who was chosen by the children and judges as this year's winner, who gave a fabulous performance of 'Never Enough' from The Greatest Showman.


Yesterday afternoon, I was delighted to be invited to attend the Graduation Ceremony for our Nursery children leaving this year, and starting school in September. The children were fantastic, singing songs and receiving their scrolls. 'Thank you' to all of the parents and families who attended...there wasn't a dry eye in the house...and to Mrs Stiles, and her team, who put on a very special afternoon. 


Children have also spent some time with their new class teacher. Yesterday, the children heard a story and were dismissed from their new classroom, too, all part of helping them prepare for a new school year in September.


In today's Celebration Assembly, we awarded this week's certificates. 'Congratulations' to all the winners. Our 'Stars of the Week' are:




School Value






Zola B.



For trying really hard to learn our Graduation songs.

Year R Stephenson


Rebecca J.


For fabulous 'Fred talk' in phonics and for her writing.

Year 1 Nightingale



Harvey H.



For Super Science writing about 'what is a seed.'


Year 2 Brunel



Ronnie H-W.


For creating wonderful artwork using print and pasta.

Year 3 Ashe





For supporting others and being a helpful member of the class.

Year 3 Turing



Riley. S.


For determination to be better everyday; he is a real asset to the class.

Year 4 Logie-Baird



Emmanuel O.



For demonstrating fantastic determination this week in all learning to be the best it could be.


Year 4 Thunberg



Aiden A.



For consistent hard work.

Year 5 Hamilton



Tyler C.



For a fantastic attitude and determination to be better every day!

Year 5 Pankhurst



Abigail D.


For determination and kindness to all.

Year 6 Amundsen



Amelia D.



For a brilliant approach during our rehearsals for our summer shows.


Year 6 Parks



Shantel O.



For a brilliant approach during our rehearsals for our summer shows.



In our '100% Attendance Raffle', the number 182 was drawn at random and the lucky winner was Faith in Year 1. 


Next week, we have just three days of term remaining. The end of term is Wednesday 19th July 2023. We have a lot to look forward to before then, including our 'Summer Concert' on Monday, and our annual 'Awards Ceremony' and 'Leavers Assembly' for our Year 6 pupils on Wednesday - I am looking forward to all of these events in school.


I hope you will be able to join us at the Summer Concert on Monday afternoon. Please bring a blanket, or something to sit on, as parents and our families will be asked to sit on the bank for the performance. This is taking place in the Key Stage 1 playground (entrance for Year 2 pupils). Our Open Afternoon takes place on Tuesday afternoon, from 3.30pm, and is a chance for parents to discuss their child's report with the class teacher. 


Have a great weekend!


Ryan Laker


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