Headteacher Update - Friday 14th October 2022
Welcome to this week's Headteacher Update!
As you know, Ofsted were here on Tuesday and Wednesday this week, for their latest visit of the school. The report will be published shortly and this will be shared with parents and the community. In today's Celebration Assembly, all of the pupils were thanked for giving their very best week...as they always do. I have been impressed with how polite and respectful everyone has been in school this week.
Thank you for your patience across this week. Staff have been working incredibly hard, and I understand this means we might not have been as available as we usually are. We will make sure that you see more of us across the next few days.
We have seen some fantastic Homework projects this term (it's not too late for your child to bring theirs in to school). We have seen Olympic temples, from pupils in Year 6, and some great buildings from Pudding Lane, from our pupils in Year 2, who have loved learning about The Great Fire of London - they have shown such incredible knowledge about this significant event.
Well done to all of our certificate winners. This week's 'Stars of the Week' are:
YR Stephenson |
Emily R. |
Knowledge |
Y1 Nightingale |
Jamie N. |
Determination |
Y2 |
Aaraby L. |
Equality |
Y3 |
Ivy-May T. |
Determination |
Y3 Turing |
Bryan O. |
Achievement |
Y4 Logie-Baird |
Archie L. |
Equality |
Y4 Thunberg |
Alfie S. |
Determination |
Y5 Hamilton |
Bethany V. |
Determination |
Y5 Pankhurst |
Alex A. |
Determination |
Y6 Parks |
Chloe P. | Determination |
Y6 Amundsen |
Kian F. |
Determination |
Today, we said 'Goodbye' to Mrs Funnell, who has been our brilliant Attendance Officer. She leaves use to take on a new adventure in a secondary school setting, and we wish her well.
Next week is the last week of Term 1, and our Curriculum Events are taking place for all year groups. Please see the Bulletin for all of the details, and dates and times of when you can join us in school to share your child's learning. We hope you can visit and we look forward to welcoming you. It's going to be a great week!
Have a great weekend!
Ryan Laker