Headteacher Update - Friday 3rd February 2023
Welcome to this week's Weekly Update!
'Well done' to all of our pupils who have supported Number Day at Oakwood. We have seen some brilliant outfits, including home-made calculators and UNO cards. A great effort from everyone! We've enjoyed lots of number activities throughout the day, including our 'What do you think?' posters around the school. Your donations have helped the NSPCC charity. So, 'Thank you!' We'll update you with the amount we have raised next week!
Our pupils in Reception have been practising their cutting skills and recognising 2D shapes to make a 'shape face'. They have also been using patterns to design fruit-kebabs.
In our 'Celebration Assembly' today we looked at some of the learning that Year 5 Hamilton Class have been producing this week. We looked at some of their work on mixed numbers and improper fractions, portal stories and their Mayan masks. Thank you to Hamilton Class for sharing with us all. 'Well done' to all of our certificate winners. Our full list of this week's 'Stars' can be found on the Bulletin. We will be awarding our Term 3 'Stars of the Term' in next Friday's assembly.
'Congratulations' to two of our pupils in Year 5. Lola-Mai and Blake both received their 1,000,000 words certificate in today's assembly. A great achievement to have read one-million words in a school year. They have been inducted into the Word Millionaire 'Hall of Fame' in the library.
Next week, we have our Term 3 Curriculum Events. We have been getting ready for the events and we hope you will be proud of the work that the children have produced this term. We hope you will be able to join us and look forward to seeing you.
As always, do check our Bulletin and Facebook page for this week's updates!
Finally, Thank you for your support during this week. I fully appreciate that Wednesday's school closure will have caused our families disruption, but I am grateful to you for your understanding this week.
Wishing everyone a great weekend!
Ryan Laker