Headteacher Update - Friday 4th November 2022
Welcome to this week's Headteacher Update!
I hope you all had a great half term. It's been brilliant to welcome children back to school this week. It has been a settled start to Term 2. The children have been introduced to their new learning journeys and units of learning this week, and are excited about the learning to come.
Children in Reception have been developing their confidence, and jumping from the high apparatus. There was lots of lovely encouragement and support from their friends. They are working together and helping each other with their learning, including their letter formation and experimenting with the cars down the ramp.
In Year 4, the children have been learning about 'classification' as part of their Science lessons, exploring the many ways that animals and living organisms can be grouped. There were some really interesting discussions about the different groups and the children had to really think about how to sort their animals.
Our School Council representatives met today to talk to Mr Paramor about some ideas for the school. They discussed their ideas about the playground, how to improve the school grounds and created an action plan for this year. We'll update you with their progress across the year.
See our photographs in the slideshow to see our learning from this week!
This week, we held our Open Evening for prospective parents, who have a child starting Reception in September 2023. It was lovely to see so many parents visit. The school looked brilliant, with fantastic learning on display. I'd like to say 'Thank you' to our Year 6 Ambassadors who provided tours of the school. Visitors commented on how polite, confident and enthusiastic they were, and how much they loved their school. They got a very special mention in assembly today.
Tours of the school will continue throughout November, so if you know of any friends or family who will have a child who is 4 and starting school next year, please let them know. Bookings can be made by contacting the School Office.
In today's Celebration Assembly, we awarded this term's first set of certificate winners. Well done to them all. The list of 'Stars of the Week' can be found on this week's Bulletin (Number 7). We also announced our Champions for the Term 1 Attendance Challenge. Well done to Year 3 Turing Class and Year 5 Hamilton Class, who had the highest overall attendance last term, and have won a £20 voucher for their classes. We'll find out whether there will be new Attendance Champions in Term 2.
Congratulations to Louis H. who is this year's first Word Millionaire. Since September, Louis has read a total of 1,000,000 words - Well done to Louis! His certificate will be displayed in the school library and we'll look forward to seeing who else will join him in the 'Hall of Fame'.
The travelling Book Fair from Scholastic will be arriving at school next Tuesday. There are some fantastic deals on a range of books and gifts, just in time for Christmas. The fair will take place in the Infant Hall, each afternoon from the 8th-15th November, starting at 3.20pm.
We are looking forward to welcoming you to school for next week's Parents Evening, and a chance for you to meet with your child's class teacher. These are taking place on Tuesday 8th November (from 3.30pm) and Thursday 10th November (from 4.30pm), giving you some flexibility to choose a time that works for you.
Just a reminder to parents that the school is closed to pupils on Friday 11th November 2022 (next Friday), due to an INSET Day.
Please see this week's Bulletin, with further information and key dates.
I hope you enjoy any firework and bonfire celebrations that you might be attending this weekend. I'll look forward to seeing all of the pupils on Monday!
With my very best wishes,
Mr Laker