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Headteacher Update - Friday 7th October 2022

Welcome to this week's Headteacher Update!


It's been a purposeful and productive week at Oakwood! As always, pupils have been working extremely hard and giving their best in lessons. I really enjoying talking with children and to share their learning with them. This week, I have seen some fantastic writing - some wonderful vocabulary and outstanding presentation. The children are really enjoying their writing units. During my lesson visits this week, I have seen some brilliant phonics - children being fluent, confident and precise! Well done to all of our pupils.


In the Nursery, the children have been looking at Autumn and all the changes that they are seeing! They have been on lovely Autumnal walks collecting conkers and leaves to make a variety of artwork with. The children have also completed some observational paintings of the beautiful trees in the playground. This week in the Nursery, the children have made vegetable pizzas. All of the children helped and they then had the tasty pizza for their snack. The hair-salon has been up-and-running in the role-play area. The children have enjoyed creating a variety of hairstyles! Please see some of the photos at the bottom of the update.


Pupils in Year 4 conducted an experiment to show how digestion works. The children learned how food and drink is processed by the body, how nutrients are absorbed and how waste is created. The children were really interested and engaged (even if it was a little disgusting). 


Our pupils in Year 2 have been really enjoying their Music lessons with Miss Fairhead this week - some musicians (and rockstars) in the making. We also love this picture on the Friendship Bench this week. 


In our Celebration Assembly, we awarded our 'Stars of the Week'. Well done to all of this week's Stars:


Year R Stephenson


Noah B.


Year 1 Nightingale


Kristina E.


Year 2 Brunel


David P.


Year 3 Ashe


Aya H.


Year 3 Turing


Noah B.


Year 4 Logie-Baird


Chloe F.


Year 4 Thunberg


Arthur B.


Year 5 Hamilton


Harryson T.


Year 5 Pankhurst


Cody R.


Year 6 Amundsen


Leo B.


Year 6 Parks


Iola C.



In this term's 'Attendance Challenge', Reception Stephenson Class have 29 points, and lead the way in Challenge 1. Year 5 Hamilton Class are top of the leaderboard with 36 points in Challenge 2. In the '100% Attendance Raffle', the number 183 was drawn at random - Well done to Bethany V. in Year 5!


Please see this week's bulletin (Bulletin 5) - a copy is available on our website.


I hope you all have a fantastic weekend. I look forward to seeing all of the pupils on Monday!


With my very best wishes,


Ryan Laker


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