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Headteacher Update - Friday 8th July 2022

Welcome to this week's Weekly Update.


As always, we've had a fantastic week at Oakwood. Pupils have been giving their best effort and there have been some incredibly proud children across the school.


In Year 1 this week, the pupils have been developing their 'coding' skills in Computing, to develop these colourful bubbles. The children really impressed with their knowledge and skills. 


Pupils in Year 4 have been learning about states of matter in Science. This week, they looked at how materials and their properties can change (or appear to change) when mixing corn-flour and water. 


Our pupils in Year 6 have really enjoyed two successful days at their new secondary schools, as they prepare to get ready for Year 7. As I write, they are practising for their end of year Leavers Assembly, and parents of pupils in Year 6 are invited to join us on the last afternoon of term. This week, they have been writing their own 'twisted fairytales', with some plot twists that you maybe weren't expecting.


Here is this week's Hive update...


'In our 'Art Journaling' group this week we tried out different techniques with paint and used lots of unusual items to make marks with, including LEGO, twigs and bottle tops. 


Our 'Boris the Bear' group have been thinking about all the different people that can help us when we are worried about something. We read 'The Huge Bag of Worries' together and played 'Clean the Wipe Board'.


The children are continuing to take good care of all our plants and the garden area and we have had some kind donations of tomato and lettuce plants (Thank you to Tililah and family). As well as all the usual jobs within a garden, we have been preparing the playground friendship benches ready for decorating and helping to clear another area within the school grounds.


Our 'Lego Club' have been working well together and we also have a 'Building Club' during one of our lunch club sessions where the children have made some brilliant models for our display shelf. It's been another brilliant week of learning in The Hive.' 


Mrs Snelgrove and Mrs Mathews


In our Celebration Assembly today we awarded our latest set of 'Stars of the Week'. This week's winners are:


Ayaan A. in Reception

Mila C-B. in Year 1

Henry D. and Kirsty M. in Year 2

Reggie H. and Lira W. in Year 3

Stanley S. and Bethany V. in Year 4

Jack S. and Leo B. in Year 5

Roman M. and Blake S. in Year 6


Well done to all of this week's certificate winners.


In our 100% Attendance Raffle, the number 211 was chosen at random. The lucky number belonged to Alfie S. in Stephenson Class. In this term's Attendance Challenges, YR Stephenson Class lead the way in the YR-3 challenge. Both Year 4 classes are tied at the top in the Y4-6 challenge. 


We have a busy few days coming up. We hope you will be able to join us for Sports Day. This is taking place on Tuesday 12th July (Y3-6 in the morning, Nursery-Y2 in the afternoon). Please come and join us!


Pupils will be meeting their new teacher on Wednesday 13th July, when we will be holding our Transition Morning in school. The children have also been practising for the 'Oakwood's Got Talent' show, next week.


Thank you, as always, for your continued support of the school. I wish you all a great weekend!


Mr Laker



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