Prospective Parents Open Evening: Starting School in September 2021
We usually offer prospective families tours of the school and Foundation Village during the school day. However, due to Covid-19 restrictions, we are not currently able to run these in the normal way. We appreciate that choosing your child's primary school is an important decision, and so to help parents with their choices we are offering tours of the Reception classrooms and outside areas on Tuesday 10th, Wednesday 11th and Thursday 12th November 2020. These will take place between 5.00 and 7.00pm, with tours scheduled every 20 minutes. Attendance for each family is limited to two adults and one child.
Staff will be available to provide tours and answer any questions but please be aware that it will not be possible to visit classrooms in the main school building or to watch any lessons.
We would ask that if you would like to book a tour to please:
- Contact the School Office with your preferred date, to book a visit.
- Arrive promptly for your visit - we will not be able to accept any latecomers.
- Wear a facemask (children will not need to do so).
- Sanitise your hands on arrival at the Foundation Village.
- Ensure that any children accompanying you stays with you at all times.
- Do not touch any resources during the visit.
- Wash or sanitise your hands on departure (everyone who has attended).
Please do not attend your visit if you, or any of your family, are displaying symptoms of Covid-19, awaiting test results or isolating as instructed by Track-and-Trace or because you have had contact with anyone who has tested positive.
Bookings are on a first-come-first-served basis. To make a booking, please call the School Office on 01323 501251. If you book a visit but are unable to make it, then please email us
We will shortly be sharing our 'Welcome to Oakwood' video.
We look forward to welcoming you soon!